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Parenting made easy for your growing lil one, with these articles.

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reading book habit

Right books to enrich the ‘tiny inquisitive’ at your home

Your tiny tot is developing the good habit of reading, and now is the time for the right training to bring out the best in your kid.

toddler sleep

Ensuring sweet dreams for your toddler

Adequate and quality sleep is essential for your toddler’s overall growth and development.

stages of baby growth

When should I be concerned about my child’s growth?

Watching your child grow is both fascinating and a matter of pride. The most extraordinary period of growth and development in a child’s life is from birth till 5 years of age.

child development milestones

आपके बच्चों के विकास की महत्वपूर्ण अवस्थाएं

विकास मानक छोटी उम्र में आपके बच्चे के सीखने, खेलने, बोलने या कार्य करने के बारे में संदर्भित करते हैं और उसके समग्र विकास के मूल्यांकन के लिए महत्वपूर्ण जानकारी प्रदान करते हैं।

child bowel movements

Know your child’s stool and what to do

Regular bowel movements are very important for your child’s health.


आपके बच्चों के लिए डे केयर पोषण ज़रूरी है।

आपके बच्चे के टिफिन को अधिक पोषक एवं स्वास्थ्यवर्धक बनाने के उपाय। यहां आपके बच्चे के टिफिन को अधिक पोषक एवं स्वास्थ्यवर्धक बनाने के उपाय दिये गये हैं।

healthy snacks for toddlers

प्री-स्कूल के बच्चों के लिए भोजन योजना

भारतीयों के लिए अनुशंसित आहार योजना के अनुसार 1-3 वर्ष की आयु के बच्चों को लगभग 1,060 किलो कैलोरी/दिन भोजन करना चाहिए जबकि 4-6 वर्ष के बच्चों को लगभग 1,350 किलो कैलोरी/दिन भोजन करना चाहिए।

healthy recipes for kids

4 ways to sweeten healthy recipes for kids with no added sugar

Here is the good news! It’s possible to make sweet and healthy recipes for kids without sugar.

baby not eating

Impact of Fussy Eating on Your Child’s Health

The lack of variety in the diet of a picky eater compromises the intake of essential micronutrients such as vitamin E, vitamin C, folate, as well as fibre.

picky eating

What is fussy/picky eating?

Are you encountering difficulties feeding your child? Is your preschooler extremely fussy or picky about certain foods and refuses to taste anything new?

picky eater

Nutrient Dense Food Required for Picky/ fussy Eating Preschoolers

Early childhood, which includes the preschool stage (2–5 years), is the most rapid phase of development and forms the foundation for the child’s future well-being.

healthy breakfasts for kids

A wholesome breakfast can improve your child’s performance at school

Breakfast is the most vital meal of the day. Children who eat breakfast regularly are more likely to have a higher intake of total carbohydrate, dietary fibre, macronutrients

healthy diet for kids

How to Reduce Added Sugar in Your Child's Diet

Children love sweet treats, and we love to reward a child’s good behavior with sugary treats. However, eating high amounts of added sugar can lead to obesity.

healthy eating habits for kids

How Can I Help My Baby Develop Good Eating Habits?

What are good eating habits? The long-term health and development of your child depends on his/her nutritional habits developed during the early years of life

nutrition for child

Child is Not a Mini adult

Right nutrition is very critical for young children, especially during the first 2–3 years of life. Due to rapid growth and development, your child requires more energy and nutrients.

child growth and development

आपको अपने बच्चे के ग्रोथ की निगरानी कैसे करनी चाहिए?

ग्रोथ शरीर के शारीरिक आकार में वृद्धि को दर्शाता है और विकास किसी व्यक्ति के कौशल एवं कार्य में सुधार को दर्शाता है। एक साथ मिलकर ये सब व्यक्ति के शारीरिक, बौद्धिक, भावात्मक एवं सामाजिक विकास को दर

kids diet plan

Creative Menu Planning for Children

The kind of foods your children eat will influence their eating habits for the rest of their life.

child brain development

Brain Development & role of DHA for kids

As a mother, it’s an ongoing mission to try to ensure that your child gets all nutrients from his/her diet.

child brain development activities

3 Try-at-home activities to foster physical development in children

Toddler years are a time of physical development in children. Here are three fun at home activities to foster your child’s fine motor skills.

child nutrition

Day care / pre-school nutrition for your child

Tips to make your child’s tiffin more nutritious and healthy Here are some tips to make your child’s tiffin more nutritious and healthy

healthy food for kids

How do I plan a vegetarian menu for my child?

A vegetarian diet can be equally nutritious to a diet that includes meat/chicken/fish or eggs.