NANGROW- Milk Drink for 2-6 year old kids- FAQs
Product Related
How do I prepare one serve of NANGROW™?
Boil drinking water for five minutes and leave it to cool down, till lukewarm.
Gradually mix 7 level scoops (or 33.5gm) to 210mL of lukewarm water.
Please note that mixing NANGROWTM with water more than 37oC may compromise on the benefits of probiotics.
You may also prepare NANGROWTM with milk as per your child’s liking.
Can NANGROW™ be mixed in other smoothies/shakes/juices as well?
The recommended consumption of NANGROWTM is by mixing in lukewarm water. However the powder may be used to increase the nutrient density of smoothies/shakes/juice, for which the serve size needs to be adjusted as per the needs. However, since NANGROWTM is a milk-based product, it might not mix well with juices.
Where can I get more information on nutrition and NANGROW™?
To know more on child nutrition and NANGROWTM you may reach out to the Nestlé Nutrition Helpdesk on this toll free number 1800 103 1947 or email us at WeCare@in.nestle.com
Should NANGROW™ be served as a hot or cold beverage?
Sugar* Related
Can I add sugar along with NANGROW™ to make it more palatable for my child?
Sugar is a source of energy, but needs to be consumed in recommended portions, that is 4-5 tsp a day as it is also low in other nutrients like vitamins & minerals. Eating too much sugar increases the chance of the child being overweight. NANGROWTM contains lactose that provides sweetness to the drink and we recommend no further addition of sugar to the drink.
My child has a very strong preference for sweet foods and drinks; how do I make him drink NANGROW™?
Eating too much sugar increases the chance of the child being overweight. Limit the intake of sugary foods such as candies, cookies, cakes, sweetened soft drinks, packaged fruit juices, pastries etc. These can be served as special treats.
Try to satisfy the sweet cravings of your child through dates/raisins/figs/ sweet fruits which are sources of calories as well as nutrients like vitamins & minerals.
Don’t force-feed your child. If your child rejects a particular food try serving it with other foods that they like or you can retry at a different meal time. Children need to be offered a new food as many as 10-15 times before they will eat it.
Nutrition Related
Can NANGROW™ be used as a sole source of nutrition?
How is whey protein different from other proteins and why is it beneficial for my child?
Are probiotics safe for consumption by my child?
Probiotics comprise microbes and bacteria such as Lactobacillus, Leuconostoc, bifidobacteria, Pediococcus, have been used extensively throughout human history. In fact, bifidobacteria are the predominant naturally occurring bacteria in breast-fed infants and are also considered to contribute to the infants’ health in numerous ways.
Bifidobacterium also known as good bacteria constitutes one of the major bacteria in the human gut. Basis number scientific studies and researches, FDA has granted GRAS (Generally Recognized as Safe) status to Lactobacilli, bifidobacteria and lactococci genera.
What are the benefits of probiotics?
Probiotics provide a multitude of health benefits to humans. They are microbes that compete with harmful microbes and prevent the colonization of harmful bacteria in the gut. They metabolizes various healthy byproducts to humans and also have a positive effect on digestion and metabolism. Studies have also shown that probiotics can modulate individuals’ immune response.
Child Growth & Development
What is DHA and how does it help in my child’s development?
DHA is a long chain omega 3 fatty acid. This major lipid that occurs in the brain is essential for normal brain development and its function. Studies have shown improvement in toddlers’ cognition, learning, reasoning and behavior as a result of DHA supplementation.
DHA is also responsible for executive and higher order cognitive activities such as planning, problem solving and focused attention. DHA also supports IQ and memory. DHA is particularly important in early childhood for early brain and visual development.
How does NANGROW™ help support the physical growth and development of my child?
NANGROWTM is a source of vitamin D, calcium, phosphorus and vitamin B. These nutrients help support both the normal development of muscles & bones in children thereby helping in their physical growth and development. Protein is also essential for physical development and 2 recommended serves of NANGROWTM meet 48% RDA requirements of your child.